Thursday, June 11, 2009

Steal-Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual Sale

Hello All-

I love to stock up when prices are low, for my own consumption and gifts! One of the best chances to do this is the Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual sale. They always have great prices and incentives on items and don't forget your coupons!

Here is 1 of many savings examples. I like the Lay it on Thick shower cream. It retails for $15/bottle so I never buy it unless it is on sale. Right now you can buy 2 get 2 free on all True Blue Spa. So, for $30 I will get 4 bottles of shower cream and stock them. But, I have a survey coupon (received from a previous store purchase) that earns me $10 off $30, so I will actually get 4 bottles for $20! That is $5 bottle, a savings of 67%! That is great!

If you don't have a coupon in your coupon holder, do a google search for printable bath and body coupons. There are some for $10 off $40 out there as well as a few % off depending on what you are buying!

Happy Saving!

Summer H.

Deal-Tax Credits for Going Green/Home Repairs/Upgrades

Hello All!

If you are building a home or upgrading certain portions of an existing home...get the tax perks! Visit for a complete list and details about what is included!

Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency includes:

* Tax Credits for Consumers
o Tax credits are available at 30% of the cost, up to $1,500, in 2009 & 2010 (for existing homes only) for:
+ Windows and Doors
+ Insulation
+ Roofs (Metal and Asphalt)
+ Water Heaters (non-solar)
+ Biomass Stoves
o Tax credits are available at 30% of the cost, with no upper limit through 2016 (for existing homes & new construction) for:
+ Geothermal Heat Pumps
+ Solar Panels
+ Solar Water Heaters
+ Small Wind Energy Systems
+ Fuel Cells

Deal-Best Deals Each Month

Hello All!

I am going to start posting some ideas for products that have the best prices and which months to get them!

For June-Swimsuits and summer wear items, I know it seems weird, but if you can believe it school supplies and fall merchandise is arriving soon in store, so start watching prices fall (and stock up) for next year or the off-season. Have you ever tried to buy a swimsuit in the winter in Oregon?

Lingerie-great time to buy, watch for Victoria's Secret Semi Annual Sale

Tools-all types of tools & GPS units are discounted for fathers day and graduations!

Be watching for more monthly hot buys coming soon!

Happy Saving!

Summer H.

Monday, June 1, 2009

FREE-Pizza at Papa's Pizza

Papa's Pizza (Springfield Parlor), might be good for other locations too! Here is how you get the free pizza.

Before you go on a trip or vacation, pick up a small pizza box from the parlor. Then while on vacation, shoot a picture of yourself with the pizza box. Bring the photo into the pizza parlor and get a free large pizza!

Happy Saving!

Summer H.