Saturday, March 29, 2008

March 29 Steals & Deals

Hello All-

Here is the latest and greatest in my search to bring you savings and steals from local and on-line retailers.

REI- Sign up for REI Gearmail from the website at and receive an email with a 15% coupon you can use in store or online! They have great products and this is an easy way to get some savings!

Macy's- It is Clinique Bonus time! I always take advantage of these gifts with purchase. Even if you are loyal to a specific line other than Clinique (and I am), I just buy lotion or something that is generic and reap the rewards of the bonus...which I always use for myself or save items I don't use for stocking stuffers or give the whole bonus to a friend! It comes with a floral cosmetic bag that is really pretty in pink or purple. The bonus period is from April 2 to April 19. Hint: If you will be at the mall previous to this time, you can presale and pick up your bonus at a later date...they will hold your product until pick up.

KidSports Coupon Books- remember if you are a current holder, coupons expire on April 30! Make sure you swap or use them prior to this date. Anyone out there selling some? I am looking to purchase from a player if email me!

Eugene Weekly is another source for coupons (and it is free!) and I am seeing more in there...this week features Bates Steakhouse & Saloon (down near the new Federal Courthouse). Free appetizer and Free Dessert with the purchase of 2 dinner entrees. You can pick up the EW at many locations around town in Eugene or select places in Springfield.

Nike Outlet- Woodburn is having an amazing clearance sale. If you happen to be in that area, all clearance items are an additional 30% off! They have a huge selection of clothes and shoes right now.

SweetWaters (Valley River Inn)- thanks to a friend said that in the Entree section of the Register Guard was a coupon for brunch. It has been running in the RG for the last couple of weeks and is good through April. Hint: use it for an early mother's day gift and avoid the mother's day crowd!

KMTR "Local For Less", visit and click on the Local For Less tab. They sell a variety of gift certificates from local merchants for 50% off! It is an excellent deal! This week, just added "Divinity" Spa in Springfield (near 58th & Main). A $25 gift certificate for $12.50. You can only use 1 per visit. However, still a great deal if you use these merchants or want to check something new out.

I will continue to post information as I find it! Happy Savings! Summer

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