Monday, January 19, 2009

Deal-Clinique GWP (Gift With Purchase) at Gottschalk's

Hello All-

Just a heads up, Gottschalk's will be doing the Clinique GWP starting Feb. 22. I always encourage people to take advantage of GWP because you usually get great products to keep or give when you buy items you use anyway.

If you combine the Macy's at Gottschalk's GWP you can end up with around 4 gifts/year.

I am not sure what the GWP will be yet this year, but that is the start date and these can sell out, so I would head in towards the beginning of the promotion.

Note: I know Macy's will presale for the GWP with their charge card. You go in prior to the sale, pick out your items and you have to wait to pick them up until the promo period has started, but it is less busy to pick out items prior to the sale and then breeze in to pick up your stuff once the sale starts. I am sure Gottschalk's does some similar option, so ask if you have their store card.

Hint: Make friends with the associates in this dept., they are often on a bit of commission and will call you or notify you if items are newly released or special promos are happening. It me, I use this technique all the time!

Happy Saving!

Summer H.

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