Thursday, March 19, 2009

Savings Tip-Saving Coupons + Manufacturers Double Coupons

Hello All-

If you clip coupons on Sunday or any other day, don't rush out to spend them right away. It is best to put them away and watch ads for sales on these products. Sometimes ads run concurrent with the current coupons, but many times you will see coupons one week and the item goes on sale the next. You can maximize your savings if you wait a couple of weeks or until coupon is still usable to save additional money. Don't let it expire!

Also, remember that Safeway and Albertson's (this is new) offer "Double Your Manufacturers Coupons" in their ads, clip these and "stack" them with your existing coupons for even more savings. This works really good on loss leader or multiple purchase pricing the giants are currently using to lure people in. If you only buy loss leaders at the giant stores and staple items at the discount grocers you will save LOTS of money!

Happy Saving!

Summer H.

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